Data journalism requires skills in searching for, understanding and visualizing digital sources that help a journalist more effectively tell a complex story. USDA has more than 100 years of data available on topics ranging from food production and sustainability issues to water resources and trade. During this workshop, you’ll receive interactive instruction on how to access and apply USDA’s online tools, data and analysis. You will be able to use your laptops to access just released data from the latest Census of Agriculture and other data sources as representatives from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service and Economic Research Service guide you through these resources and show how you can use them to inform your reporting.
To register, please send your name, phone number, and name of your organization by Friday, May 16, to To assist in presentation development, it would be helpful if you could also include information about the type of data or issues that are of particular interest to you.
Copyright DC Science Writers Association. DCSWA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 19110, Washington DC 20036