DEC 12, 4pm: ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED! But we have tickets available at the door!
How can DCSWA possibly improve on the best holiday party of the year? By partnering with the American Geophysical Union, of course! As you may already know, AGU’s 2018 Fall Meeting will take place right here in Washington, D.C., December 10-14. And as usual, they’ll attract a newsroom full of hundreds of your colleagues: science reporters, freelancers and PIOs from across the country. How could we pass up the chance to join forces?
The timing is auspicious indeed, as 2018 marks DCSWA’s 30th anniversary and 2019 will be AGU’s 100th as well. Let’s all get together and celebrate in style!
Join us on Wednesday, December 12, for an evening of food, drinks, music and dancing. For the third year running, we are pleased to welcome the Affordable Rock ‘n’ Roll Act as the evening’s entertainment. They’re scientists, they’re musicians, and they’ll blow your mind with their rendition of Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition.” What more could a science writer ask for?
For those who are hoping for a slightly quieter experience, fear not—we heard your feedback last year! We are confident that our new, larger venue will provide more opportunities for quiet conversations away from the hubbub this year.
DCSWA members, AGU attendees, guests, and science enthusiasts are welcome! Your ticket gets you two (2) free drinks, some tasty food, a raffle entry, excellent live entertainment and four hours of serious merriment with your friends and colleagues. Bring nothing but your desire for a good time. Come for the music, stay for the food, drinks, raffle prizes and fun!
Where: Abigail, 1730 M St NW, Washington, DC 20036
When: Wednesday, December 12, 2018, 7:00 - 11:00 pm
Cost: $40 for DCSWA members, $75 for members plus a guest, $45 for non-members.
Questions: email president@dcswa.org